
15 Sept 2015

FPSC Past Paper Preventive Officer ( BS-16) held as on 13-09-2015

FPSC Solved Paper for the Post of Preventive Officer (BS-16)
Held as on 13 Sep 2015.

1.    He cast a glance at me.
2. He has been proved innocent _____ charge.
3. insensible
4. temperate
5. To die of hunger is alright, but to live
by begging is a shame.
6. No one took care of him after his wife
had died. (corrected sentence)
7. He talked to me about a writer whom he said he had met in London. (Corr. Sent)
8. All that glitters is not gold. (corr.sent)
9. If you don’t stop playing
those video games, you’ll miss the bus.
10. He is the most intelligent of the three. (Corr. Sent)
11. She &
I met 10 years ago.
12. My parents approved of
me playing guitar.
13. He took leave of his father.
14. This elephant belongs to my sister and
15. The person
who made these cakes have my vote.
16. If you steal
that artichoke from John’s garden you’ll be sorry.
17. He arranged the flowers and put
them on the table.
18. Reo and Daniel put
their bags in their armpit.
19. He took
offence at these words. (Corr. Sent)

Pak Affairs & Current Affairs

20. Author of Loyal Muhammadans of India. (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan)
21. ILO stands for ?
International Labour Organization
22. who dissolved assemblies and const in
1958 ayub khan
23. 2nd Comm. In chief of pak army.
(Gen. Ayub).
24. 2nd PM of pak.
(Kh. Nazimud-din)
25. Name of F.M in Interim Govt. of 1946
( Mumtaz Doltana)
26. Who dissolved first constituent assembly.
(Gh. Muhammad)
27. Who became NWFP premier in
1955. (Dr. Khan)
28. Pak National animal.
29. Indus Basin treaty.
30. Iraqi PM. (
31. Kasghar in
32. Pak-china boundary line.
(Redcliffe line)
33. Australia’s capital.
34. Burma’s new name.
35. Germany Chancellor.
(Angela Merkel)
36. Pak-China connection pass.
(Khunjerab Pass)
37. 1956 constitution.
(23rd March)
38. Who imposed 1977, 3rd Martial Law
(Gen. Ziaul Haq)
39. Saudi King
(Shah Salman)
40. Govt of India Act 1919
41. Sindh was separated from Bombay
(1935 act)
42. Strait of Hormuz connects.
(Persian gulf & Arabian sea)
43. Jeddah is a seaport on.
(Red Sea)
44. Muslim League was founded in.
45. 1st President of Muslim League
. (Nawab Saleem, none)
46. Simon Commission Report.
47. Capital of India separated from Calcutta to Delhi.
48. Who dissolved one unit and restored four provinces.
49. Which one is landlocked country
. ( Nepal,)
50. Number of SAARC Countries.
51. Current Chairman Senate.
(Raza Rabbani)
General Science
52. Moon is a (Planet, Asteroid, Star,
53. Dry ice solid
carbon dioxide.
55. Vit-D deficiency.
56. Current is the flow of (electrons, protons, neutrons, none)
57. Non-renewable source of energy. (
Natural gas, wind, solar,none)
58. Blood is cleaned by.
59. Animals eating and praying on other animals.
60. For killing rats and mices.
61. Evolution is a ______ process.
62. Gas in electric bulb.
(Nitrogen gas)
63. Between melting and boiling point, a substance is.
64. At room temperature which is liquid.
65. Freezing point of water
. (0 c)
66. Einstein’s equation.
67. Thickest layer of earth
. (core)
68. Diamond is allotropic form of.
69. Charge on neutron.
70. Which one is most elastic. (glass, rubber,
steel, none)
71. Soap is a
72. Who accompanied the Prophet during migration to Madinah. (Abu Bakr)
73. zam zam means
"to stop"
74. Ghazwa e Khandaq fought in (2nd hij, 4th hijri, 5th hijri,none)
75. During Hajj, peebles collection in
76. Zakat, fasting made compulsory in
(2nd Hijri)
77. Hazrat Ali was martyred by.
(ibn e maljam)
78. Jannat ul Baqeeh is in
79. Mother of Prophet.
(Aaminah bin Wahab)
80. Surah Al-Baqarah. Baqarah means
81. Quran revelation period.
(23 years)
82. Books of Ahadith during 200-300 AH.
83. Length of square = 4cm, area=
84. in a test 45% failed. 550 passed. total no ?
85. Length=200 cm. increase=25 %, new length=
86. 1,2,4,7,11,16,22 (then
87. 6 angles.
88. A quadrilateral having 4 equal sides and 4 right angles.
89. A quadrilateral having 4 equal sides and pairs of opposite sides parallel
90. A triangle whose 2 sides and 2 angles are equal.
(Isoceles triangle)
91. 16 workers can do a job in 10 days. 8 workers will complete the same in
. (20 days)
92. 3% of a number which is 60. The number is.2000
93. Income= 500, increase= 20%, new income=
94. Loss when. C.p= 40rs. S.p= 34
95. Loss when c.p=45rs, s.p =40
96. A number greater than 1 and not prime number.
(composite number)

Note: if you found any Mistake Please do a Comment


Anonymous said...

Questions No 31 and 32 are incorrect.

Hasnain said...

question no 54, 58, 67 are incorrect

The hardest metal is Tungsten
blood is cleaned by Kidneys
Thickest layer of earth is Mental

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