
16 Sept 2015

FPSC Valuation Officer Mcqs Paper Batch III

VALUATION OFFICER MCQS Paper BATCH-3 Held as on 15-09-2015


For each question, find the sentence that has a mistake
in capitalization or punctuation. If you find no
mistakes, mark choice d.

1- a. 
The instructor asked us if we needed more
 question marks is incorrect
b. Carla’s mother is a pediatric dentist.
c. Every item in the store costs less than a
d. No mistakes.

2- a. Jane’s family owned three Persian cats.
My Uncle always takes the subway to Yankee

c. Everyone knows that Marisa’s favorite book
is Pride and Prejudice.
d. No mistakes

3. a. “I’ll do the grocery shopping for you,
grandma,” Lucy said.
b. “Where can I find the best pizza in town?”
he asked.
c. “Be sure to arrive two hours early,” she
d. No mistakes.

4-. a. I always have a hard time getting up in the
b. We took: a tent, a cooler, and a sleeping bag.
c. The fog was as thick as potato soup.
d. No mistakes.

5-. a. This is someone elses coat.
b. Which of these songs was recorded by Bruce
c. That book must be yours.
d. No mistakes.

6. a. Don’t stand in my way.
b. Cecilia and I fought our way through the
c. The vegetables were old rubbery and
tasteless(need comma).

d. No mistakes.

7-. a. Remember to walk the dog.
b. Don’t run”! Mr. Ellington shouted.(must be inside commas)
c. It’s supposed to snow today and tomorrow.
d. No mistakes.

8. a. Charleen’s parents worried whenever she
drove the car.
b. Who designed the Brooklyn Bridge?
c. Diseases like Smallpox and Polio have been
eradicated.(no need to capitalize)

d. No mistakes.

9-. a. Can you find the Indian ocean on this map?Ocean
b. Which river, the Nile or the Amazon, is
c. Lerner Avenue runs into the Thompson
d. No mistakes.

10. a. He’s the best dancer in the school.
b. We were planning to go, but the meeting
was canceled.
c. “Okay,” she said,I’ll go with you.”=("I’ll go with you.”)
d. No mistakes.

11. a. Does Judge Parker live on your street?
b. Twenty government officials met to deal
with Wednesday’s crisis.
c. The Mayor spoke at a news conference this

d. No mistakes.

1) Muslim League was formed in? 1906
2 ) Tarbela dam is built on which river?
Indus River.
3) Abdul Salam was awarded Noble Prize in ?
4) On 30 September 1947, Pakistan joined?
5) Height of K-2?
8611 m
6) Quaid e Azam took oath as G-G of Pakistan on? 1
5 August 1947
7) Kashmir Solidarity day is observed?
5 Feb.
8) UN was formed?
24 Oct 1945.
9) Pakistan Resolution was passed in?
10) Last Viceroy of Subcontinent?
Lord Mountbatten
11)When Objective Resolution was passed in Constituent Assembly ?
March 1949
12) Who passed O.B in constituent Assembly?
Liaquat Ali Khan (I Think.Not Sure)
13) Present Constitution of Pakistan was enforced ?
14 August 1973.
14) National Anthem is composed by?
Hafeez Jallandari. 
15) First PM of Pakistan?


16) Who compiled Quran first? Hazrat Usman (R.A)
17) Quran means?
To read (It actually means the one which is read).
18 ) Rasool means?
19) Zakat means?
To purify. 
20) Hadith is called?
Sayings,Actions of Muhammad P.B U.H.
21) Sunnat means? 
22) Tauheed means? 
23) Smallest Sarah of Holy Quran?
Surah e Kosr
24) Largest surah of Quran?
Al Baqarah.
25) Total Surahs of Holy Quran?
26) Total Ayats of Holy Quran?
27) Saif Ullah is title of?
Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed
28)Islam means?
To surrender in.
29) Treaty of Hudaibya was between Muslims and-------?
Unbelievers of Makkah. 
30)Who conquered last fort of Khyber?
Hazrat Ali (R.A)
31)Who started Islamic
32) Nemaz e Istasqa is ?
Pray for rain
33? No Azan is given in which of these ?
Janaza & Eid
34? Imam Abu Hanifa was a ?


36) Question on working principle of pressure cooker? 
37) Why rainbow is seen after rain? 
due to water drops suspended in the air.
38) Burning of wood emits which gas?
Carbon Monoxide
39) One horse power is ?
746 watts
40) Boiling point of water ? 
Options. a) 100 Celsius b) Depends on atmospheric pressure. c) Doesn't depends on A.P. d) None of these. 
41) Source of Vitamin A?
42? Washing Soda is?
Sodium Carbonate
43? Question on Thunder.Why lightning occurs before the sound of thunder? 
44) Metal used in filament of bulb?
45) Increase in temperature causes
Increase b) decrease c) Slowly decrease d) Rapidly increase
46) Einstein was given noble prize in?
47) Normal pulse?
48) Tarbela dam is built on which river? Indus River.
49) Abdul Salam was awarded Noble Prize in ? 1979
50)  First PM of Pakistan? L.A.Khan
51)  state bank of pak formed= 1st july 1948.
52) first consititution
= 23 march 1956.


1) If area of a circle is 16 phi. What is it's diameter? 32
2) Three decimal number were given.It was asked to add them. Like 0.67+4.3+2.0
3) Four numbers were given and it was asked which is the largest. 
Like A) 1÷100 B) 2% C)0.8 D) 0.28
4)A number that is divisible by 34 & 36, Is also divisible by
A) 20 B) 16 C) 30 D)32
5) 0.2 % in decimal form is
A) 2 B) 0.02 C) 0.002 D) 0.2
6) Ratio of two numbers .
7) In 2 hours which fraction represents 15 minutes. 
A) 1÷8 B) 3÷4 C) 5÷12 D 
Ans=1\8 or 1÷8
8) 1÷0.2% is 
9) If 8 workers build a house in 16 days. Then how many men will be required to build it in 14 days? 
This was a question of direct proportion
10) If Ali gets 81,82, 88,76,83 marks in each test. What should be his marks in next test so that the average is 82.
11)If the area of a rectangle is 480.What is it's perimeter. 
12) The average of 11a+9,2a+6,7a+8,-4a+1,5a+3 is
13) After a discount of 10% .The price of a shirt becomes 2240 . What is the original price? 
14) if 12a -3=6a+2.The value of a is?
1-Area of rectangle is 48 what is diameter ? 32
2- what fraction 2 hours of 15 minutes.
3-a number is divided by 24 and 32. Which is third no also divided by that? = 48
4- 0.625 , 4.2 and 2 what is total ?
5- which is greater ? a) 0.28 b) 30% c) ¼ = 30%
6- 12 man do work in 20 days how many man do tha work in 36 days. 
7- wha is ratio of 12 foot and 8 inch.= 18

Note: if you found any Mistake Please do a comment.


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